Matematika di jawab yah pr sepupu ku soal nya aku gk tau jawaban nya dan juga kasih cara nya jugaterima kasih selamat mengerjakan (ʘᴗʘ✿) wilsonsanfordulv – April 05, 2023
Matematika Petugas siskaming di tiga pos ronda memukul kentongan secara bersamaan pada pukul 21.30. Petugas ronda RT 01 memukul kentongan setiap 15 menit . Pos ronda RT 02 etiap 30 menit dan pos ronda RT 03 setiap 45 menit . Mereka memukul kentongan secara bersamaan kembali untuk kedua kalinya pada pukul wilsonsanfordulv – April 04, 2023
Matematika keliling sebuah keramik yang berbentuk persegi adalah 160 cm.beberapa cm luas dari 10 buah keramik yang berukuran sama? wilsonsanfordulv – April 04, 2023
B. inggris Alumni Gathering Report Terms of Reference Mr. Nana, the headmaster, has requested this report on the Alumni Gathering Activity. The report was to be submitted to him by 30 December 2018. Procedure A representative selection of 15% of all participants were interviewed during the alumni gathering, on 16 December 2018 concerning : 1. Overall satisfaction with the activities in the gathering. 2. Problem encountered when dealing with the facilities. 3. Suggestions for the improvementof next gathering activity. Findings 1.The participants were generally satisfied with the activities in the gathering. 2.Some problems were encountered when they lacked of mineral water. 3.Most of the participants complained about the uncomfortability in the room. 4.The most common suggestion for improvement was the mineral water availability. Conclusions 1.Participants are happy to join the gactivities in the gathering. 2.They have problem with the room. 3.Improvements need to take place in the uncomfortability of the room. 4.Mineral water availability should be considered as the most urgent need. Recommendations 1.Meet the committee to discuss the serious problem faced by the participants. 2.Give priority improvements on room comfortability. 3.Have an outdoor gathering. 1. If everything has been improved, what do you think will happen?2. What will the headmaster probably react knowing the situation?3. If you were the commite, what will be your priority of improvements?please bantu jwb dong...besok dikumpulin :( wilsonsanfordulv – April 04, 2023
Matematika dalam 7 aula terdapat 20 baris kursi, jumlah kursi pada baris paling depan 18, Dan baris dan berikutnya 2 Kali lebih banyak Dari sebelumnya, berapakah banyak kursi pada aula tersebut wilsonsanfordulv – April 03, 2023
B. Indonesia prinsip menggambar penjelasanbentuk 3 dimensi1.proporsi 2.komposisi3.gelap terangtolong ya yg tau nanti di kasih BA wilsonsanfordulv – April 02, 2023
Ujian Nasional Jika diketahui fungsi biaya marginal dari suatu produk adalah, mc f(q) 500 4q. tentukanlah fungsi biaya total (tc) dan fungsi biaya rata-rata (ac) jika biaya tetap diketahui rp 6.000, wilsonsanfordulv – April 02, 2023
Sejarah peristiwa Pulau Buru (Tempat penjara bagi orang-orang yang diindikasikan terlibat PKI) (1969-1979) dan jelaskan dari peristiwa tersebut wilsonsanfordulv – April 02, 2023
Matematika Perhatikan gambar berikut! 15 cm 15 cm 15 cm Volume bangun di atas adalah ... cm3. wilsonsanfordulv – April 02, 2023
Matematika tentukan nilaix, y dan z pada gambar dibawah ini!cepat ya cepat wilsonsanfordulv – March 30, 2023
Kimia Sekolah Menengah Pertama cara membuat rangkaian listrik Paralel wilsonsanfordulv – March 20, 2023
IPS Perusahaan negara bertujuan memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dan bukan semata-mata mencari untung adalah .... * a. Firma b. Koperasi c. Persero d. BUMN wilsonsanfordulv – March 17, 2023
SBMPTN nt = kelincinya loncat ke kursi (⌐■-■)QUIZ ~c = 2a = 8z = 22(z - a) + b = .... wilsonsanfordulv – March 17, 2023