100 Deadly Skills: COMBAT EDITION: A Navy SEAL's Guide to Crushing Your Enemy, Fighting for

100 Deadly Skills: COMBAT EDITION: A Navy SEAL's Guide to Crushing Your Enemy, Fighting for

Matematika 1. Nilai rata-rata dari 15 siswa adalh 95. Jika nilai 1 siswa masuk nilai rata-rata menjadi 94. Berapakah nilai siswa yg baru masuk ?
2. Nilai rata-rata PTS matematika dari 25 siswa pria kelas 8F adlh 83, sedangkn nilai rata rata siswa perempuan adalah 75. Jika jumlah seluruh siswa kelas 8F adlah 40. Berpakah nilai rata rata gabungnya ?
3. Perhatikan data di bawah ini ! 19,12,14,35,7,15,10,20,25,17,a. Jika simpangan kuartilnya adalah 5,5 dan urutan a diantara urutan 20 dan 25. Jika nilai Q2 adalah 17, maka nilai a adalah....​

Matematika 1. diketahui sebuah kubus memiliki panjang rusuk 10 cm tentukan luas permukaan kubus

2. Di ketahui sebuah balok dengan panjang 12cm lebar 8cm dan tinggi 5cm

3. Jika diketahui luas limas beraturan segitiga ABCD dengan panjang rusuk alas 16 cm dan tinggi limas 15cm A. Buatlah gambar sketsa dan jaring jaring Limas ABCD B. Hitunglah luas permukaan Limas ABCD

4. Diketahui luas alas sebuah kubus 25cm² tentukan volume kubus

5. Perbandingan panjang,lebar,dan tinggi suatu balok adalah 5:4:3 jika luas balok 320cm² Tentukan volume balok

B. inggris complete the sentence using the verb on the brackets.

5. My Sister .... (learn) to drive qucikly.
6. .... Peter .... (know) how to fix the tap.
7. Andi .... (pass) his exams.
8. My father .... (download) music from the internet.
9. The movie .... (start) at 05.15 p.m
10. Mary ... (be) 29 years old.
11. What ... your Father .... (do) for a living?
12. Tita and I .... (study) English together.
13. We .... (like) to ear food. It .... taste good.
15. Cakes .... (be) hard to make. They .... (require) a lot of work.

B. inggris Alumni Gathering Report
Terms of Reference Mr. Nana, the headmaster, has requested this report on the Alumni Gathering Activity. The report was to be submitted to him by 30 December 2018. Procedure A representative selection of 15% of all participants were interviewed during the alumni gathering, on 16 December 2018 concerning :
1. Overall satisfaction with the activities in the gathering.
2. Problem encountered when dealing with the facilities.
3. Suggestions for the improvementof next gathering activity.

1.The participants were generally satisfied with the activities in the gathering. 2.Some problems were encountered when they lacked of mineral water. 3.Most of the participants complained about the uncomfortability in the room. 4.The most common suggestion for improvement was the mineral water availability.

1.Participants are happy to join the gactivities in the gathering.
2.They have problem with the room. 3.Improvements need to take place in the uncomfortability of the room.
4.Mineral water availability should be considered as the most urgent need.

1.Meet the committee to discuss the serious problem faced by the participants.
2.Give priority improvements on room comfortability.
3.Have an outdoor gathering.

1. If everything has been improved, what do you think will happen?
2. What will the headmaster probably react knowing the situation?
3. If you were the commite, what will be your priority of improvements?

please bantu jwb dong...
besok dikumpulin :(​